Our single most valuable assets are our colleagues. Nothing, absolutely nothing is more important to me or Strang than the people we surround ourselves with every day.
This project started with a simple question: “What does the library of the 21st century look like?” The answer: the library of the future needs to be more than just a home for books.
Meet Melissa Pletzer, a Senior Electrical Engineer here at Strang as she talks about the engineering industry, her career, and a few tidbits of advice.
The CCA experience at Strang adopts cross-functional lines of communication, establishes project priorities, and achieves approvals ensuring smooth building development. At Strang, there is a strategic reason for what we do, how we do it, and why we do it.
As engineers, architects, and designers, our role extends far beyond just blueprints. The comfort and safety of the building’s occupants is an essential consideration in design. Great office design will install measures to address potential work hazards and keep staff and data safe from the very beginning of the design process. In other words, prevention is the best policy.
While earlier we focused primarily on low voltage design, now it’s time to dive deeper into its close relation: audio/visual (AV) design.
AV design is the process of understanding the communication and entertainment needs and goals of a client and thoughtfully developing technology systems to address and meet them.
When planning your new or renovated buildings, the subject of low voltage systems–the backbone of building technology–needs to occur right away rather than be left behind as an afterthought. Proper advanced planning can ensure your low-voltage systems help you operate at maximum levels of performance. And that’s more important now than ever.
Hello everyone and welcome to this issue of SyncMAGAZINE. As you can imagine, with each new issue, I occasionally scratch my head considering what topic to address in this column. Whilst I certainly have my own viewpoints, I am careful of such dialogue, at least here. This space is not a pulpit, but rather a platform for idea exchange.
Director of Interior Design, Erica Ostendorf Mullins is always ready to take a seat at the table. Erica has recently joined Strang’s board of directors as the first female principal. We sat down with Erica, hoping to hear the story of her professional career and industry advice.
From August 1st to 5th, STEAM Camp was back and bigger than ever! Students jumped right into hands-on learning, covering everything from public broadcasting to biotechnology.