Few responsibilities of our Leadership Team are more important than managing our firm’s resources. At Strang, we don’t limit that charge to financial spreadsheets, traditional KPI’s, or evaluating market data points. Here, our single most valuable assets are our colleagues. Nothing, absolutely nothing is more important to me or Strang than the people we surround ourselves with every day.
That is why we are proud to celebrate March as Women’s History Month!

In complete candor, we simply could not function without the intellectual, creative, and technical skills of the women among us. These women lead, mentor, and set examples for our entire firm to follow. They are passionate about their work, their coworkers, and this firm. I for one stand in admiration and sincere appreciation of their individual and combined efforts in support of Strang, our clients, and our communities. To each of these women, please accept our most sincere thank you from everyone here at Strang.

Also in this issue, we take a closer look at our Construction Contract Administration team. This incredibly talented cohort engages DESIGN SYNCHRONICITY®—our integrated services platform—through advocacy on behalf of clients, colleagues, and contractors, alike. Each of those constituencies has come to trust our CAA team for objective and insightful leadership in pursuit of a smooth project delivery experience for all.
Thank you for taking the time to read our eZine. We enjoy sharing our firm with you. As always, I look forward to hearing from you, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Until the next issue, take care and be kind.

Larry Barton
President and CEO, Strang, Inc.