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October 25, 2018

Lessons Learned

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Going through the moving process helps us better understand and guide our clients.
When Strang decided to relocate our Madison office to the east side, there was little question of who would design the build-out of our second-floor suite.

The process of taking an empty shell and turning it into a vibrant office for four dozen architects, engineers and interior designers was already in place. For this project, Strang employed the same “Listen | Discover | Design” protocol we use for our own clients.

We worked through our own budget limitations, using ordinary materials in unique ways. We decided to go with an open office concept and designed a variety of collaboration areas where staff members could casually meet. We reduced our overall office size by focusing on efficiencies and eliminating redundancies. It’s the kind of process we use for our many commercial/office clients.

It was a bit different this time because the space was created for our own staff. And now, as we move into to our new digs at 811 East Washington Avenue this week, we’re able to reflect on the process.

Was it easy? Not always. But, in the end, we addressed the challenges, worked through them and got it finished. And because of the experience, we’re more appreciative of what our clients go through. That’s a good thing. Because going through this process ourselves helps us to better understand and guide our own clients in the future.