Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab


Growing Up and Out

The Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (ISU VDL) is a national leader in protecting animal and human health, offering full-service laboratories that process upwards of 100,000 cases each year. They conduct more than a million tests annually. With changing process flows and a massive increase in volume, Strang worked with ISU to create a new one-of-a-kind VDL to meet their growing demand.

Previously located in the ISU veterinarian school, moving the VDL to its own building freed up space in the vet school for surgery suites, hospital improvements, and classrooms. With their VDL accreditation up for renewal, ISU had the option to either make a major renovation or build an entirely new facility that would meet their every need. Deciding on a new facility, ISU sought to improve both capacity and efficiency of the VDL’s processes and services.


Specialized Laboratory Efficiency

The new 90,000 SF state-of-the-art VDL provides essential infrastructure for sample receiving and processing, pathology, bacteriology, necropsy, and histopathology in Iowa and all over the nation. The new construction drastically improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the process flow while addressing critical issues of space quantity and quality and providing the necessary biosafety and biocontainment. These specialized laboratory spaces were also designed with a flexible layout concept. This allows the labs to quickly adapt to changing user needs and research goals.

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“We believe that Strang has provided outstanding design leadership in helping develop and deliver a state-of-the-art facility that will serve the veterinary and public health diagnostic needs of the state of Iowa and beyond for years to come.”


Now at home in their state-of-the-art, specialized facility, the ISU VDL is applying its world-class laboratory design to everyday, real-world problems.