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November 29, 2022

The View From Here (November 2022)

Effectiveness and Connectiveness

Hello everyone and welcome to this issue of SyncMAGAZINE. As you can imagine, with each new issue, I occasionally scratch my head considering what topic to address in this column. Whilst I certainly have my own viewpoints, I am careful of such dialogue, at least here. This space is not a pulpit, but rather a platform for idea exchange. 

As such, I turn my ears towards our clients to better understand what challenges and critical decisions they face. Those conversations provide ample ideas for content here. For example, organizations at all levels continue to investigate how they can create–and maintain—the most effective combination of employee engagement, work style, and work locations. In addition, employee retention and recruitment remain critical considerations. Speaking as an architect, I argue that the built environment plays an important role in addressing these challenges. Allow me to explain.  

Pre-pandemic, the work environment consisted of a personal presence and strong team connectedness. There existed a “bond of proximity” where in-person settings invigorated and optimized team collaboration. Well, as we all know now, that dynamic has shifted, demonstrably. Remote and hybrid workers have become the norm making relatability and connectedness increasingly difficult . . . more difficult but not impossible. Here is where creatively designed, technologically integrated facilities empower team collaboration, effectiveness, and connectedness.

One example is interior designs that spark your imagination, are a pleasure to occupy, and genuinely make you want to be there. Spaces that make you think “how cool is this?” But essential to the cool factor exists the need for a functional space, designed with exceptional low voltage building systems and aligned audio/video connections. 

Later in this issue, we will take a closer look at how well-planned low voltage and A/V arrangements bring the most remote teams together, address security, enhance engineered systems performance, and do so in a way that reflects and respects your organizational priorities. Now is the time to connect with confidence. 

As always, your comments are welcome, and indeed, encouraged.