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July 1, 2021

The View From Here – July 2021

Employees serving food in a dining area
Madison Strangr's at the office enjoying some apple pie for the Fourth of July!

The headline gives it away, but can you tell I am forward focused? COVID-19 statistics here in the US, those dire numbers that give the CDC valid concerns are steadily trending downward while simultaneously, the number of vaccinations is on the rise. This does not mean we have COVID beat – not by a longshot. There remain copious critical tasks ahead regarding vital research, access to vaccinations, and constantly monitoring and updating the most effective safety protocols. But on balance, things are looking up and heading in the right direction. I am cautiously optimistic and most positive about what lies ahead, in particular, the office revival.


People on a video call
Virtual Wine and Cheese night!
What we have learned is that the work-from-home scenario has been a success – after all, there was no other choice. I am constantly amazed and impressed by the inventive, resourceful, and “can do” spirit of my coworkers, and for that matter, our valued clients as well. To a person, we have rallied around each other to achieve remarkable goals and outcomes despite the inherent challenges of working from home. Now, as things begin to reopen and we gather again, I am eagerly looking forward to safely reuniting with my colleagues and friends here in the office.
people happy and eating food at a table
The Strang team in Waukesha enjoying their Fourth of July apple pie.

At Strang, we applied a rigorous vetting process to thoroughly evaluate our practices and properties in preparation for a safe return to the office. This is a holistic, ongoing procedure – not a simple checklist – which identifies, assimilates, and then puts into practice the latest thinking in preparing for a safe, productive, and sociable office environment. Ours is not a “One and Done” approach.

Workers talking to each other in an open concept office
Strang Waukesha Office

We have shared our thinking with clients, and they sincerely appreciate having Strang as a guide on this topic as they anticipate exciting “next steps” towards returning to their own offices. We agree that working from the office provides the ideal analytical and strategic setting for ideation, access to technology, and meaningful collaboration. There are also sociological benefits of reconnecting with friends and feeling truly part of the culture. Being in the office also certainly knocks back the isolation blues.

Our return to the office will involve safe, thoughtful, and deliberate steps, all at a pace that makes sense for us. Yes, I am optimistic and looking forward to gathering again at work!