It has been approximately four weeks since we began the COVID 19 quarantine in earnest, and, I am genuinely impressed with two things. First, the lifeforce of support, cooperation and can-do resourcefulness exhibited by my colleagues here at Strang. That is not a “promotional statement” – I couldn’t be more sincere. We may be separated in physical proximity, but I don’t believe we’ve ever been closer in spirit. The consistently genuine level of professional and personal support is simply amazing. Thank you, all.
Second, I am also very encouraged with the prevailing holistic attitude and approach within our communities. Whilst circumstances, timetables or understandings of this virus (and its consequences) change daily, there exists a consistently thoughtful and caring mindset coupled with purposeful plans that include everyone.
Second, I am also very encouraged with the prevailing holistic attitude and approach within our communities. Whilst circumstances, timetables or understandings of this virus (and its consequences) change daily, there exists a consistently thoughtful and caring mindset coupled with purposeful plans that include everyone.

Why? This virus doles out evenhanded cruelty across international, political, generational, ethnic and economic strata. In other words, we all ARE in this together. Like many (gratefully) I am confident humankind will triumph. In route, will we always get it right? Doubt it. Will we always make it right? Absolutely. We will become smarter, evermore compassionate and inclusive. Because if ever a cliché was true, “We only succeed when everyone succeeds”. Here. Now. The future.
Next, we roll up our collective sleeves and continue to get the job done, together. That includes our clients, contractors and aligned support personnel. Yes, we’ll be working harder – circumstances require it. But more importantly, we’ll be guiding projects smarter, safer and demonstrably more synchronized. Once again, circumstances require it.
Please know, the resolve which empowers our “True North” has not, nor ever will change. We remain as steadfast as ever – perhaps even more so – in delivering a seamless, value-added client experience across all project touchpoints – safely. Please contact me directly if you have questions or simply would like to speak. I welcome the conversation.
Take care. Be well,
Next, we roll up our collective sleeves and continue to get the job done, together. That includes our clients, contractors and aligned support personnel. Yes, we’ll be working harder – circumstances require it. But more importantly, we’ll be guiding projects smarter, safer and demonstrably more synchronized. Once again, circumstances require it.
Please know, the resolve which empowers our “True North” has not, nor ever will change. We remain as steadfast as ever – perhaps even more so – in delivering a seamless, value-added client experience across all project touchpoints – safely. Please contact me directly if you have questions or simply would like to speak. I welcome the conversation.
Take care. Be well,

Larry Barton,
President and CEO
Strang, Inc.
President and CEO
Strang, Inc.