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April 18, 2019

The New Ascent Innovation Center

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Ascent Innovation

The Rise Of Connections, Collaborations And Community

Proudly located within the surrounding beauty of the Black Hills, the Ascent Innovation District is a catalyst for social, technical and commercial innovations which benefits the entire Rapid City, South Dakota region.

Here, small business owners, entrepreneurs, students, freelancers and city residents comprise a talented network united in bringing their ideas to life.
The network is further supported by area business, educational and civic leaders who generously share their expertise and experience. And soon, this talented consortium will have a new facility to further empower their enterprise. Introducing, the new Ascent Innovation Center.

At 40,000 square feet, the new Ascent Innovation Center was designed by Strang for the collaborative invention of thought where spaces are precisely designed to mine critical and creative thinking that galvanizes entrepreneurial determination.

The building was also designed for change, both functionally and operationally. That’s because the pace of discovery is unyielding to physical or market obstacles. The need for such acute versatility was an ideal application for Strang’s Design Synchronicity®, a proprietary project development and management protocol where clients, along with architects and interior designers – from a single source – coalesce on project details of all sizes and scope. This “by design, disciplined system” helps ensure that everyone, from clients to contractors, are onboard with every aspect of the project. One Project. One Voice.

The building includes fast-flexible office and tenant space, easily reconfigurable as tenant’s business models change, or, when growing tenants move on and new tenants move in. As an incubation locale, this building is designed with dedicated spaces for purposeful collaboration where tenants have the option to cross-pollinate ideas, or, serve as sounding boards for one and other. Conversely, when intellectual property or confidentiality matters are of concern, the Ascent Innovation Center offers privacy space as well.
And because Rapid City is about experiences worth sharing, the Ascent Innovation Center is designed to warmly welcome everyone within the region. Here, they can ideate, celebrate and anticipate what’s next for the Rapid City Innovation District and surrounding community.

" Strang has delivered straight out of the gate. It is my belief that any organization would be fortunate to have Strang as part of their project. "

Keep an eye open for future issues of SyncMAGAZINE where we will provide more details and updates as the project moves forward.