Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Engineering Design Services
Often, it’s what you can’t see that is most important. Behind the walls and below the floors are the engineered systems that allow your building to function. Virtually every facility needs mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems to operate. At Strang, we understand that providing services to address these systems is fundamental to the success of every building type in every market sector.
Strang engineers are experts in maximizing system and operational efficiencies and leading multi-disciplinary design for these complex systems. We understand the importance of engineered systems in protecting users, conserving energy, and providing safe, comfortable, and productive spaces.
We respond to each client’s unique needs with innovative cost and energy-efficient engineering solutions that are more sustainable, resilient, reliable, flexible, and easy to understand for the life of your building.
Our Comprehensive Engineering Services Include
- Mechanical engineering
- Electrical engineering
- Plumbing design
- Energy analysis and management studies
- HVAC system design
- Electrical system design
- Lighting design
- Commissioning
- Energy performance
- Modeling controls
- Controls systems
- Mechanical systems analysis
- Safety and fire protection
- Maintenance programs
- Cost estimating
- Start-up assistance
- Long-range facility programming
- Voice, data, security, AV design
- Integrated control systems
- Building energy performance
- High-performance building analysis
- Integration of process/manufacturing systems
- Site analysis/quick fit
- Code compliance
- Proforma/Financial budgeting

Energy Cost Savings
Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems are expected to create a safe and comfortable indoor environment for occupants. They are also expected to function efficiently with the lowest operating cost possible. At the same time, they consume the most natural resources of a facility: water and energy. Strang’s engineers will help you maximize the energy and system performance of your new construction or renovation project while minimizing costs and providing long-term value. Our integrated team of professional engineers add tangible monetary value to every project.
In addition, designing and updating facilities with minimal life-cycle energy costs can significantly reduce environmental consequences. Our experts can advise you on energy consumption, commissioning, and retro-commissioning issues, how to optimize your equipment for minimal environmental impact, and how to implement energy-efficient operations and maintenance strategies. The understanding and design of these systems will add value to your building now and into the future.